Coffins, also referred to as caskets, have been used to bury the deceased for thousands of years. The history of coffins is closely tied to the evolution of burial customs and practices across different cultures and time periods.

The use of coffins can be traced back to ancient Egypt, where the pharaohs were buried in ornate sarcophagi. These coffins were often decorated with intricate carvings and paintings, and were seen as a symbol of the deceased’s wealth and status. In ancient Greece, coffins were typically made from terracotta or wood, and were often decorated with images of the deceased and scenes from their life.

During the Middle Ages in Europe, coffins were made from wood and were often covered in cloth or shrouds. The practice of burying the dead in a wooden box was seen as a way to protect the body from decay and to provide a barrier between the living and the dead.
In recent years, there has been a trend towards more eco-friendly burial practices, with the use of biodegradable coffins made from materials such as bamboo or cardboard becoming more popular.

While the specifics of coffin design and construction have varied across different cultures and time periods, the underlying purpose of providing a final resting place for the deceased remains constant. Coffins have played an important role in funeral customs and practices throughout history, serving as a symbol of respect and dignity for the deceased, and providing comfort and closure for the living.

In the 19th century, the funeral industry began to develop, and the use of coffins became more standard. Coffins were typically made from high-quality wood, and were often lined with satin or other materials to give a more luxurious feel. Moving forward, more standard designed coffins and caskets are available as well as customised and personalised coffins become more popular.